3.16 & Cape not working

I’m trying out Arch Linux for ARM on my BBB and just upgraded to the 3.16.1 kernel. I had a LCD4 working on 3.8 by modifying the uEnv.txt file. It doesn’t work on 3.16. I tried following http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:Capes_3.8_to_3.14#Custom_dtb:

<b>git clone -b 3.14-ti [https://github.com/RobertCNelson/dtb-rebuilder.git](https://github.com/RobertCNelson/dtb-rebuilder.git)
cd dtb-rebuilder/</b>

Modified **src/arm/am335x-boneblack.dts**:
**//#include "am335x-boneblack-nxp-hdmi-audio.dtsi"** //(commented out)
**#include "am335x-bone-lcd4-01-00a1.dtsi"** //(uncommented)

then ran make and sudo make install which both seemed to run fine. Rebooted, and the LCD still does not work. Any ideas?


First, your running "3.16", the "dtb-rebuilder" only has one branch
(3.14-ti) it's abi compatible with this tree:


Second, it dumps the built dtb to:

/boot/dtbs/`uname -r`/

Fix those, and it should work..


Ahh, I mistakenly thought the rebuilder put them in the right place to begin with. All I had to do was move the new am335x-boneblack.dtb up one folder to /boot/dtbs and now it works. Thanks!

Ahh, I mistakenly thought the rebuilder put them in the right place to begin with. All I had to do was move the new am335x-boneblack.dtb up one folder to /boot/dtbs and now it works. Thanks!

I need to add an INSTALL-DIR option…