I kept using sysfs personnally, still working fine for now
I used to be able to: echo 362 > /sys/class/export and get a folder /sysclass/gpio/gpio362
No longer works, this is my gpio info for GPIO_62
line 62: “P8_16” “scope_debug_pru0” output active-high [used]
Why is it named, and does it need to be [used]?
my_motor_control.dts (3.6 KB)
Local version is some where around /usr/share??? You can look at the dpgk install path for that package and get the exact location for it in html and just open in browser. This is assuming you are running a deb host.
you have to use cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio command in previous kernel and in 6.6 kernel, it will display the new numbers associated to each pin, ask me if you want to know anything i’ve been where you at right now @klindsayjr
Debian 12.7 kernel 6.6.32
gpiodlib-dev is installed. I can’t get any output with gpioset on line 62.
I used to $ echo 362 > export which no longer works, I get write error invalid argument.
Also #gpioset -m wait 1 62=1 no longer works either
Refering to the file /sys/kernel/gpio and adding 596 to the line numbers doesn’t work either.
I do notice that the register values are changing when $ cat /sys/class/gpio658/value.
It is if the pin drivers are not connected to the pad or thier is no power.
You have to check thé New number associates to it using cat syskerneldebuggpio command intold you
I am now using the new numbers from /sys/kernel/debug/gpio file. The values set through:
gpioset 1 62=1 are changing values. I now have sysfs working also. Thanks for the help now back to the Device Trees.