BBB, SGX and Qt 4.8.6 problems

Hi guys,
since several days I’m trying to run a Qt OpenGL application on my Beaglebone Black.

I’ve installed the official Debian image (from Latest Software Images - BeagleBoard) on the micro sd (not emmc) and compiled and installed the 3.12 kernel from Robert C Nelson’s linux-dev git repository.
Then I ran the script, which was also provided in Robert’s repository and copied it to the BBB, ran the install scripts for pvrsrv etc. (After changing this line from “no” to “yes”) the graphics sdk examples ran properly (evilskull, etc.).

Now I’ve downloaded qt-4.8.6 and configured it with the correct mkspecs and this configure directive:

./configure -v -opensource -confirm-license -prefix /opt/qt -embedded arm -platform qws/linux-x86-g++ -xplatform qws/linux-am335x-g++ -depths 16,24,32 -no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-sse2 -no-ssse3 -no-glib -no-cups -no-largefile -no-accessibility -no-openssl -no-gtkstyle -qt-mouse-pc -qt-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-linuxinput -plugin-mouse-linuxtp -plugin-mouse-pc -fast -little-endian -host-big-endian -no-pch -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql -no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -no-webkit -no-qt3support -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake docs -nomake translations -qt-mouse-tslib -opengl es2 -plugin-gfx-powervr -D QT_NO_QWS_CURSOR -D QT_QWS_CLIENTBLIT

I used the same compiler which was downloaded with the kernel building script (gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.8-2013.10_linux). Everything configured and maked successfully. Then I copied the neccessary files (libs, plugins, examples) to the BBB.

But now the problems begin. When I want to run the hellogl_es example, it says “can’t create surface”:

debian@beaglebone:/opt/qt/examples/opengl/hellogl_es2$ sudo ./hellogl_es2 -qws -display powervr

QEglContext::createSurface(): Unable to create EGL surface, error = 0x300b

The program starts but only shows a completely green opengl surface (still, the graphics sdk examples run properly). I tried it with running and stopped lightdm, everytime I get the same error.

I think it’s a very simple step to get Qt OpenGL working, but I’ve tried everything without success. Maybe I’ve missed only a patch which isn’t currently in the linux-dev repository or anything?

Many thanks in advance!


Here some additional information:


should not you apply the patch mentioned in the latest message here?

can you share your mkspecs file? i’m struggling to build qt 4.8.6 with hardfp compiler

Wow, this is my lost first post! I didn’t found it after posting, so I’ve made a new one here!category-topic/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/bZZ2Ly6FLFo .
I also didn’t receive any email notification. Very strange.

Nonetheless, I’ve just set up a blog and wrote down a tutorial to set up Qt 4.8.6 with hardfp. You can find it here:

Related to your idea with the patch: yes, I’ve applied the patch already, but that’s also not working. Just found out that there are is a newer patch at After applying this one (and little changes in mkspecs) the 2dpointer example gave output on the OpenGL side (but I had to run it without “-display powervr”). Every else example doesn’t work, either with -display powervr nor without it.

Do you know something more about it? Maybe you could try a little bit? Currently I’m feeling like I’m the only one who is trying to archive duly hardware acceleration in Qt. Btw, I archived to run SGX in kernel v3.8.13 and got rid of kernel v3.12 (don’t like it because of the bad cape support)

Wow, this is my lost first post! I didn’t found it after posting, so I’ve made a new one here!category-topic/beagleboard/beaglebone-black/bZZ2Ly6FLFo .
I also didn’t receive any email notification. Very strange.

You won’t receive a copy of your own post. This is the way Google Groups works.

Hmmmm. I have to think about that part where you say " Google Groups works". I am about to drown in SPAM!


To keep Gerald, sane, is it time to make the list subscriber only? Or
maybe a good job for some summer interns.


One of the issue is that the group has been “subscribing” to all these mailing lists. Go figure.

Now, if any one wants a walk in bathtub, a free doctorate degree, a free drug rehab center, or good thermal windows, please let me now and I can pass them along!


Well, I didn’t saw my first post (this one) in the topic list and didn’t receive a message. After writing my second post, it came up in the topic list AND I received an e-mail (in both cases with activated e-mail subscription).

But I’d really appreciate it if we could stay on-topic.