BBB USB Hard drive boot - help


As for the beggining i would like to say tha im new to BeagleBoard enviroment , so please be patient.
I`m really curious if it is possible to use external USB hard drive (with own power supply) to use as main drive after boot sequence on BeagleBoard Black rev c.
I tried to follow up those instructions :

but they seem to be a little bit outdated sadly …
For now i have used following image flashed into eMMC :

Any help with that matter would be much appreciated



As for the beggining i would like to say tha im new to BeagleBoard enviroment , so please be patient.
I`m really curious if it is possible to use external USB hard drive (with own power supply) to use as main drive after boot sequence on BeagleBoard Black rev c.
I tried to follow up those instructions :
BeagleBone Black USB hard drive boot setup | Lumpynose
but they seem to be a little bit outdated sadly ...
For now i have used following image flashed into eMMC :

Any help with that matter would be much appreciated

Do you have the kernel and rootfs on the usb hard-disk or only the rootfs?

In either case you need to modify the u-boot startup environment to
1) start usb
  "usb start"

2) load kernel from usb drive to dram (if kernel is located on usb disk)
  "ext4load scsi 0:2 ${loadaddr} /boot/zImage"
assuming the kernel image is in 2nd partition which is ext4 type and located at /boot/zImage.

3) load DT from usb drive to dram
  "ext4load scsi 0:2 ${fdtaddr} /boot/am335x-boneblack.dtb

assuming the DT blob is in 2nd partition which is ext4 type and located at /boot/am335x-boneblack.dtb.

4) update linux boot arguments "bootargs" to point to the right rootfs dev. e.g. (root=/dev/sda2)
  "setenv bootargs console=${console} ${optargs} root=/dev/sda2"

5) stop usb
  "usb stop"

6) boot the kernel.
  "bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr}

Good luck!
