BBB + WIFI Cape - whats needed?


could someone please explain how to make WIFI cape working on 3.8 kernel?
If we just disable HDMI and correctly mux all pins what else should be done to make it work?


Try here. It is under the link on the card that was in the box.


The WIFI Cape is snot supported. Here is another link that may help.


Hi Gerald, I’ve seen this link and Im trying to understand why is it not compatible?

What is the problem in supporting it?

Because it uses the exact same pins as the eMMC that is located on the board. And because of the design, which was done before the BeagleBoneBlack came out, it will blow up (break) the eMMC making the BeabgleBoneBlack inoperative.


  1. Disable eMMC.

  2. Redesign the WIFI cpae such that it does not blow up the BeagleBoneBlack.

  3. Wait for the new WIFI cape that is coming out that takes care of #2.


Disabling eMMC is a good test option indeed ill try to do that.

But what I was asking is - which piece of software actually assigns which pins the cape is using? If instead of plugging it in directly I could connect cabe to beagle with wires and then in the soft specify which GPIOS to use?

The Device Tree file.


Thanks thats the muxing part. Is there an original cape dts file by the way?
There should be also some kind of driver that actually makes the use of GPIO pins?

No. As it was no way the cape would work, there was nothing done on it. Once the HW is fixed, then there will be work done on that.


Last one: any idea when the new version of cape is available?

No. I would contact the people at I know they are working on it.



have anyone had any luck connecting the wifi cape to the BBB?