BBB Wireless Connected, No Internet

I am trying to connect a BeagleBone Black Wireless to the internet using a university internet connection, which is a huge pain so we bought a Mango router and are using it to connect. I have my BBBW set up with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I used connmanctl to get the internet set up and it connected, no issues at all. When I go to the onboard browser, I can see that I’m connected to the internet, I can check my emails or go to Wikipedia. BUT when I try to ping google (or from the terminal, nothing, 100% packet loss. When I try to update, it cannot initiate the connection. I’m so confused, any ideas??

I am trying to connect a BeagleBone Black Wireless to the internet using a university internet connection, which is a huge pain so we bought a Mango router and are using it to connect. I have my BBBW set up with a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. I used connmanctl to get the internet set up and it connected, no issues at all. When I go to the onboard browser, I can see that I’m connected to the internet, I can check my emails or go to Wikipedia. BUT when I try to ping google (or from the terminal, nothing, 100% packet loss. When I try to update, it cannot initiate the connection. I’m so confused, any ideas??

Could you check if you can ping and update in another computer on the same network?
If they also cannot it might be a firewall setting on the network.
Else you might need to check if your mango router is properly configured.

Very good odds that any university WiFi system is firewalled to only
allow "common" protocols (perhaps via a proxy server yet): SMTP, POP3,
IMAP, HTTP, HTTPS, maybe NNTP. Ping and Traceroute may be viewed as
security risks. Can you attempt telnet (likely blocked as insecure), FTP
(same), or SSH (even if you don't have an account at the target host) --
just to see if any of those get a response from a remote host?