Beagle bone power down Suddenly not booing up again

Hi All

I Have black Beagle bone and i already prepare one sdcard with Prebuilt of Jeallybean from the TI.

Everything was working fine i already took vnc also from my Ubuntu desktop machine.

when i applied command for Ethernet up with different IP, then its suddenly off the board and power LED which was blue that was also gone.

I tried 2 and 3 times more to make it boot up again but it was not getting up.

So can any one please let me know what happened with my black beagle bone board. why it was suddenly off and not getting even power also.

Any help would be appreciated.


You need a 5V supply that can deliver at least 1A if you plan to run Ethernet. USB can’t handle but 500mA.

You may need to reflash the eMMC as well.


Hi Gerald

Thanks for your response.

But before when i applied command Ethernet is working fine on board and i could also take vnc on my desktop.

so there is any relations between this command or board. I applied this command

ifconfig eth0 netmask up

Or my board was damaged due to static charge of my hands.

Please any one let me know how can i prevent to damaged my other beagle boards? this is problem with command which i applied.
