BeagleBoard schematic feedback from a customer regarding LCD signals


LCD signals in the schematic would be helpfully augmented by color than by data pin. Can you consider this for the next manual revision?

Not sure if this was better on the bug tracker or here, but better on the mailing list than private e-mail.


Hi Jason,

LCD signals in the schematic would be helpfully augmented by color than
by data pin. Can you consider this for the next manual revision?

Great idea, although I thinks it might require a note that the signals can
be moved around in case you configure the DSS and/or pinmuxing differently.
If a user i.e. want to use an externally attached 18-bit color LCD he will
have the ability to use data pins 0-17 instead of pins 0-5, 8-13 and 16-21,
which a "color coding" would suggest. In this way he will be able to get
access to some signals (i.e. McSPI3) which otherwise wouldn't be accessible
using the scattered data signals.

One could argue, that he could get McSPI3 from the expansion connector
anyway, but this will require him to give up on the MMC2-interface. While
reconfiguring the DSS he can actually have access to both at the same time

The above is just a note. I 100% agree in the main point that somehow
showing the functionality/colors of the pins for the "standard" Beagle (with
24-bit DVI) setup would be great :slight_smile:

Best regards

That is what I tried to explain to Jason. I will add the 24 bit mode supported on Beagle only and add a note that they need to read the TRM for their particular mode. I prefer not to incorporate the TRM into the System Reference Manual if I can help it. But If I do, then I will certainly start charging for the System reference Manual because I will have to hire someone to do all that cut and pasting!


I have already updated the rev C4 schematic, so it will be included whan that documentation is released. For those that cannot wait, go to section 15.2 ot the Technical Reference Manual. There are pictures for each of the modes supported and the assignment of the colors to each.
