Beagleboard xM - Angstrom cannot 'opkg update' ::: config files for OPKG are wrong

Hello All

After a long ‘fight’ I was able to figure out that the config files for the Angstrom package manager are looking into a wrong URL.

The wrong Angstrom images are the Cloud9 ones (and the ‘demo’ as well as):


The conf files in ‘/etc/opkg’ are set to: - src/gz base - but there is no ‘armv7a’ under ‘/core/ipk/eglibc’, so it comes with a 404 error

I have downloaded and compared the conf files in all images and my guess is that instead of ‘core’ it should be ‘v2012.05’ - I’ve change all my conf files and voila. (conf files in ‘/etc/opkg’).

It would be good if someone from the support team could confirm that that is the correct repository for Cloud9-xM, but after comparing all possibilities I guessed that to be the one.

So to fix, and start using your Beagleboard-xM using the Cloud9 image you need to go to ‘/etc/opkg’ and all the files (except arch.conf) and replace ‘core’ with ‘v2012.05’ - and then ‘opkg update’ will work, hopefully, and you’ll be able to upgrade the packages, etc, etc

PS I tried to find a way to feedback the Angstrom team but I was unsuccessful, id=f someone knows how to contact them please tell me and I’ll do it.


Joe Rosa

Something tells me that Angstrom is dead

If it isn't dead, it should be.
After it bricked the bbb, after doing update,upgrade, I'm working to find an image of a useable version of Ubuntu.
Is there a way to run directly from the sd card, so we can load the full ubuntu image, on a huge sd card.
And simply pull the sd card to have it revert to Angstrom.


Have you found a workable ubuntu for the xM ?