BeagleBone AI now AWS Greengrass certified

Greengrass is a way to direct your board from the AWS Cloud. You can load services (lambdas) on your board that have access to the board resources as well as AWS Cloud resources.

Details can be found at

Interested? I have AWS credits I can send those who are interested in trying this out ($10). Contact me if you’d like an AWS credit. Make sure to reply privately and not on the forum. If you don’t get a response, try the resources on If there’s enough response, I’ll set up something more automated.


That is awesome!

Are there plans to have support for the BeagleBone AI with AWS RoboMaker?




That is awesome!

Are there plans to have support for the BeagleBone AI with AWS RoboMaker?

Loosely, yes–I’m still trying to scope all the work and define the best approach. I’d like to avoid having a bunch of images to support. I’m largely unhappy with the state of ROS on Debian.

We are also working on SageMaker NEO support.

“I’m largely unhappy with the state of ROS on Debian”

I believe you are not alone in this feeling.

SageMaker NEO support sounds interesting though.

