Beaglebone Black Web Server

Greetings, everyone!

I want to set up my Beaglebone Black as a web server so that it can host a website.

But I am extremely new to beaglebone and debian/linux systems so I am looking for advice on where to start, what to download and how to download it, or even recommendations on books to read on how to do this task.

I have scoured the internet about web servers and beaglebone black but they have not been helpful. I am hoping experts or experienced programmers can help.

I am using BeagleBone Black, Revision C that I believe comes pre-installed with debian (I assume so since when I bring up LXTerminal it says debian@beaglebone: ~)

Thank you in advanced! wrote:

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Greetings, everyone!

I want to set up my Beaglebone Black as a web server so that it can host a

But I am extremely new to beaglebone and debian/linux systems so I am
looking for advice on where to start, what to download and how to download
it, or even recommendations on books to read on how to do this task.

I have scoured the internet about web servers and beaglebone black but they
have not been helpful. I am hoping experts or experienced programmers can

I am using BeagleBone Black, Revision C that I believe comes pre-installed
with debian (I assume so since when I bring up LXTerminal it says
debian@beaglebone: ~)

The fundamental step you need to do is to install apache2 which is the
web server software for debian/BBB.

    $ sudo apt-get install apache2

However it does seem to me that you might need to read some more
general tutorials about how to do this sort of thing on a Linux system

Search for;-
    apache debian tutorial

and you'll find several helpful articles.

another option (to apache, lighttpd, …) is nodejs

Hello Kenu!
The BBB comes with an active webserver already running on it. I wanted to do the same thing as you originally. You can access the website as soon as you boot up the BBB, then you can use the website to access the Cloud9 IDE to browse through all of the relevant Website files. As a beginner, I was extremely confused by all of the different HTML and JS files, but I talked to Jason Kridner one day about how he could perhaps re-organize the files to make it more understandable for newbies who want to understand how the “out of the box” BBB webserver and website is setup and organized. I think now it should be more obvious as to which files you actually need and how they work together. You are able to go in and start modifying the website straight away…great learning!

Good luck!

I would take a look at web server documentation for an open source stack like lwip

It discusses the basic interactions and start with a simple example and add to it