Beaglebone - DVI Cape Problem

I connect the DVI-Cape to the beaglebone and reboot the system and I can’t see anything in my HDMI-TV.
I have the version from beaglebone home 02.14.12.
Do I need to update the version?
Do I need activate something in the beaglebone?
I don’t know the steps to run the DVI-Cape
Thanks in advance!

The cape I have works fine with the current version of angstron, so yes I’d try updating to the most current version to see if that resolves the issue. That said the image of android gingerbread I have downloaded and installed on a different SD card has my DVI-D capible monitor telling me that it doesn’t like the screen resolution/mode chosen by the android image in question and thus refuses to act as a display.


There is a Getting Started section on BeagleBoardToys’ wiki page for DVI-D Cape

The DVI-D Cape is hardcoded to a 1024x768 resolution. Please ensure your TV supports DVI-D input and this resolution. This resolution, however, can be changed by rebuilding the kernel.

You can always request an RMA if you think there’s a hardware issue with your Cape:


ok I don’t know the resolution of my TV, is higher than 1024X768. I’ll try to change the resolution.
Thanks very much,

2012/5/25 Hieu Duong <>

I seem to recall that there is a way to change the output resolution of the BeagleBone (w/DVI cape) by editing the uenv.txt file, similar to what you would do with a BeagleBoard, saving you from rebuilding the kernel. I don’t remember the actual steps involved. Set it to 720p, and you should be fine. Some Google-fu is in your future…

Best regards,
Blake Morgan

There is not. You need to patch and rebuild the kernel.

Currently the modedb implementation is missing, hopefully soon will get it
in the PSP.
