beaglebone wireless Belkin rtl8192 ubuntu

Hi, I need some help to to run a Belkin SURF N150 ( rtl8192 ) on my
beaglebone with ubuntu
I'm having problems in connection, because the original driver for
this chip are not the best, like this link
Im facing the same problem.

I've download the recent drivers source from realtek
but now I need some help to get it configured to my beaglebone
I have to make it to build the driver

For the first attemp i done the following:

root@omap:~/rtl8188C_8192C_8192D_usb_linux_v3.3.2_3192.20120103# make
make ARCH=armv7l CROSS_COMPILE= -C /lib/modules/3.2.0-psp1/build M=/
make: *** /lib/modules/3.2.0-psp1/build: No such file or directory.
make: *** [modules] Error 2

Maybe need kernell sources and also think that I need a cross compiler
for ARM
Some help and explain how to it is welcome
