BP-CC3301 and BBB

I’ve been stuck on trying to get the BP-CC3301 + BBB-ADAPT and BBB to get working together. I am running debian 12 with linux 6.1.100-bone-rt-r33. It seems the dtb is having issues loading properly and just defaulting to the default dtb. Anyone have success getting it integrated on Debian?

For v6.1.x ti has a specific patchset to make this device work…

6.1.x bone doesn’t have it…


Is there a specific BBB 6.1 linux kernel that I can use to make the patchset work on the BBB?

You can use any 6.1 kernel, but then you’ll have to apply the patchset and dts to make the CC33xx work.
Here is one I’ve been using: https://git.ti.com/cgit/ti-linux-kernel/ti-linux-kernel/?h=ti-linux-6.1.y

These instructions may also help you: