C code to toggle usr LEDs

For any other BeagleBoard beginners out there, here is a C program to toggle the usr LEDs, adapted from/inspired by this discussion:


  * Toggles the usr1 LED once/second on the BeagleBoard.
  * In the /sys/class/leds/beagleboard::usr1 directory, the brightness file controls usr1.
  * To turn the LED on, write "1" to the file.
  * To turn the LED off, write "0" to the file.
  * To do the same for usr0, replace beagleboard::usr1 with beagleboard::usr0.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
     FILE *led_control;
     char led_value[2] = "0";

     printf("Blinking usr1 LED.\n");
     printf("Press CTRL+C to end.\n");

         if ((led_control = fopen("/sys/class/leds/beagleboard::usr1/brightness", "r+")) == NULL)
             printf("Can't open brightness file.\n");

         if (strcmp(led_value, "0") == 0)
              strcpy(led_value, "1");
              strcpy(led_value, "0");

         fwrite(&led_value, sizeof(char), 1, led_control);
     return 0;