Capture Serial data on beaglebone

Hi All,

i have been using minicom in my beaglebone to capture serial data from a GPS. what can i do to continue to capture serial data at the background after disconnecting the USB-lan cable ? I want the process to continue even after removing the USB cable?

minicom -C capturefile.log (this works only when the USB cable is connected to the linux PC) Please help! Thanks in advance.


Hi Ram;

What you need is an application that runs natively on the Beagle.

Perhaps a Python script or some such thing.

You start the native app and then off you go …

It should also be possible to start the app after a UBoot

Ram <> [12-10-13 04:44]:

Hi All,

i have been using minicom in my beaglebone to capture serial data from a
GPS. what can i do to continue to capture serial data at the background
after disconnecting the USB-lan cable ? I want the process to continue even
after removing the USB cable?

minicom -C capturefile.log (this works only when the USB cable is connected
to the linux PC) Please help! Thanks in advance.



Hi Ram,

may be this could be of help:

Best regards,

Hi there,

thanks for the reply,i dont really get this

What you need is an application that runs natively on the Beagle.

Perhaps a Python script or some such thing.

You start the native app and then off you go …

It should also be possible to start the app after a UBoot

I am using minicom on beaglebone.

My linux pc monitors the GPS receiver-beaglebone serial transmission via minicom running on PC too. But i would like to disconnect beagle from PC so Beagle’s minicom is still running in the background… please let me know if i can do this using stty. Cat function doesnt work in my case as the process loses some GPS data.

Sorry. I misunderstood you.

So if I have it straight. The Beaglebone is connected to the GPS via serial port which is monitored by minicom running on the Beagleboard.

The Beagleboard is also connected to the PC via a DIFFERENT serial-usb connection ?

For some reason when you disconnect from the PC, minicom (on the Beaglebone) also loses connection to the GPS ?

I’m not sure how minicom works, but it sounds like you need one app to talk to the PC and another app to talk to the GPS.

That way when you disconnect from the PC, the app connecting to the GPS won’t know or care ??


check out “screen”. you can run minicom in a screen session or use screen in place of minicom, it will keep running when you disconnect and you can reatach to it later.

Thanks Bill and Jeremy,

yes i was just using console on PC with minicom talking to the bone and running another minicom session in the bone which is capturing GPS data. so when i unplug my RJ45 and usb-serial from bone -to PC. the bone’s minicom session automatically cuts its serial data from GPS. i will use serial and see if i can this straight.


One more way I think can be used is redirection. If your serial deivce file is /dev/ttyUSB0. You can try reading it and capturing in file like this :

Cat /dav/ttyUSB0 >> /tmp/serialData.txt



Hi abhi,

apparently cat function doesnt work in my case as it gives Line feed errors… i resorted to using minicom -C test.log > /dev/null

and when i unplug my cables…minicom process is running in the bone…and it seems fine.=)

Thanks for the reply.