COREFFT not available on build servers.

Microsemi has licensed COREFFT for general use. To use, you need to update the Licence.dat file. The new file contains the line :

which enables the FFT code to be built.

When trying to build code on the build servers, I get the following error:

Error: Cannot find Spirit core configuration file for vendor:Actel library:DirectCore name:COREFFT version:8.1.100.
Error: The command ‘create_and_configure_core’ failed.
Error: Failure when executing Tcl script. [ Line 202 ]
Error: The Execute Script command failed.

The build succeeds on my personal computer. I have updated the license file on my personal computer.

Is the license file an issue on the build servers?


I really need to bump the build servers version… What version of Libero are you using?

According to @Vauban, 2024.2 is just around the corner,
so holding for that might be the clever way to go about it.

@ke7gyq Did you also add the download_core command to your TCL scripts to download the IP from Microsemi’s repositories?

download_core -vlnv {Actel:SgCore:PF_OSC:*} -location {}

Something like this.

Version 2024.1.3
Release v2024.1

The issue is in the license file. You need to update the license. The new core is added when you click on the ‘update core files’ link.

Thanks !
