Could you explain the command (install pppd) to me?


On line there is a thread on installing pppd on a beaglebone like board (AM335x Starter Kit). I cannot ask the original author. I have downloaded the tar file, but I don’t know the procedure on the installation.
Could you explain it a more detail to me from the contents?


./configure --target=arm-linux --enable-arm --prefix=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/arm-linux/ make CC=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-gcc make DESTDIR=pwd/…/ppp_struct install

make CC=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-gcc

try to configure as per your setup, thy to look at:
it is very helpful blog.

If I understand what you’re asking here correctly. Install is not a command really. make would be the command, and install would be similar to a command flag / switch. Used together with other “things” like this.


make clean


make install

typically when working with make what this does is

  • configure the source, and compiler options.
  • remove any preexisting object, and executable files.
  • compiles the code with flags / options defined in a make file.
  • copies the needed executable(s), object files, and perhaps configuration files where they belong.

Thanks. Your reply is just what I want to get.

There is no clean in the original example, right? It is not needed.

Can you understand the original writing:

make CC=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-gcc

try to configure as per your setup, thy to look at:
it is very helpful blog.

I don’t understand it why it calls ‘to configure’ for the above ‘make CC=CC=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/arm-linux-gcc’ line?

Is it not a precise English? Or what do you think about it?


Well, I’m not an expert with everything make. But I can say that . . .

CC=/usr/local/arm/3.3.2/bin/____arm-linux-gcc is the path to the gcc executable. That is, the path that the person who wrote all this expects. For the beaglebone debian images. this is probably be wrong.

So, what you need to learn, is how gcc, and make work. Probably more importantly gcc, and the different gcc version for different platforms. Also, you need to understand what an ABI is, and how it applies to the beaglebone black.

For instance if I were to guess at what you’ve posted so far. I would guess that this person was talking about something armel. Which is soft floating point. To make something like this work on the beaglebone black, you’d need armhf - Which is hard float ABI.

Maybe the code will compile directly on a beaglebone black with a few adjustments to the makefile, and with the correct toolchain installed. This I do not know. You also wont know until you try.