I’m new to the AI64 and I’m trying to build the default configuration target for the AI64 according to the instructions in the docs. For some reason make cannot find the target specified in the docs, i.e. tisdk_j7-evm_defconfig.
This is the command I’m running and the output:
$ make ARCH=arm64 CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-none-linux-gnu- tisdk_j7-evm_defconfig
make: *** No rule to make target ‘tisdk_j7-evm_defconfig’. Stop.
I’m using the default Makefile, Rules.make etc without any modifications. I’ve looked all over the forum for a solution. What am I missing?
Just checking to make sure we are on the same one:
Processor SDK Linux for J721e
That uses yocto for the SDK generation. I did not see any make file, so is it safe to assume you have already ran yocto and have the sdk.
Other issue is this is for an old version on ubuntu and they mention java. Pretty sure I have gone down this path a couple years back and what happens is it needs an old java 8 version that is no longer supported. This is from memory and might very well be wrong information.
Thanks for being patient with a newbie! I’m really stuck.
I’m using “latest” which apparently is 09_02_00. I’m on Ubuntu 22.04. I --think-- I have all the prerequisites installed. In my ${SDK_INSTALL_DIR} directory I see the following:
You must run the installer script that yocto generated before building with it, its been a while with Ti but it seems like it has a long name ending with .sh. Might look for that, at the top of the tree $find -name *.sh, this is just a quick thought.
I am trying to install the latest SDK 09_02 on BBAI64. However, I am not able to do so as I am not an expert in OS compilations.
Can you please guide me on how to install the latest SDK in BBAI64?
The latest Debian available for BBAI64 comes with SDK version 08_06, however my application requires running SDK version 09_02. I am confused on how can this be done?