[Devkit8000]how to upgrade kernel version with Devkit8000


Recently I wan to use UVC Camera, but with timll’s orignal kernel verion,I choose the kernel option V4L2 and UVC class,after compile successfully but when I cat /dev/video0,it comes oops.

After that I search in google,some Guys say kernel version 2.6.28 have some bugs and this is one. So I think I need to upgrade my kernel version. And I got kernel from https://gitorious.org/devkit8000/linux-omap-devkit8000/trees/v2.6.37-devkit8000.And after I change kernel’s machine id to match with uboot,I make distclean and make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux devkit8000_defconfig make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux- uImage.I copy it to SD card. it boot’s trace is http://paste.org/62648.

I search it in google, some guys says maybe my cross_compile toolchain arm-2007q1 is too old.and I got new toolchain arm-2009q1,but unfortunately x-loader and u-boot is too old.Can build success,but when boot it print i2c read error i2c state=1000.So I think I need to upgrade x-loader and u-boot. I got x-loader from git clone git://gitorious.org/~webert/x-load-omap3/devkit8000-x-loader.git and uboot from git://gitorious.org/u-boot-omap3/mainline.git. I build as http://paste.org/62664.

Have any one tell me how to upgrade my kernel version successful.