and Would You Like a Non-Underlined Reference to Links?


I have not conquered this quest yet but…

  1. I was thinking of setting up the Boards — BeagleBoard Documentation file to handle non-underscored hyperlinks.
  2. I figured it out on my personal site that I use for nothing these days.
  3. I do not use reStructuredText on my personal site. So, there will be a learning curve for me…

So, does anyone want this effort to take place? If viewed from my browser, I see the index.html file which is an index.rst on the site is listed without specifics that are needed to have no underscores.


P.S. Just a reference here to underlined hyperlinks:

# In HTML, the source is like this idea:

style="text-decoration: none"

You can use it in an <a class="" href="">Something</a>

So, <a class="box" href="" style="text-decoration: none">Something</a> , this may well do well.