Doubt in beagle

Will u please send me the suppoting OS of Beagle…Will it support Android?if yes version of Android?

Which BeagleBoard? There are three of them. And, it ships with each board.


Will u please send me the suppoting OS of Beagle…Will it support Android?if yes version of Android?

If you are looking for Android support for the various BeagleBoards (BeagleBoard, BeagleBoard-xM and BeagleBone), check out

Soapbox Alert!!

This message is for newbies.

Please, don’t post messages like the one I am replying to. This message is wrong for a number of reasons:

  1. The subject has nothing to do with the content of the message. Doing this wastes the time of possible responders.

  2. The first sentence demands someone else to do something for the sender; this is a polite demand but it is a demand nevertheless. Never demand anything.

  3. The question asked has been answered many times previously; always look back through the forum archives before asking simple questions.

  4. The answer to the question is easily found using google. I typed in “android for beagleboard” and in two clicks I was at the “Android on OMAP3” page. Do some searching before you post to this forum.

  5. Both Gerald and Jason responded. Their time is a precious resource for this community. Don’t waste their time on responses to posts like this.
    My $0.02’s,


Soapbox Alert!!

This message is for newbies.

Thanks William. and should highlight similar guidelines to new posters. I’m going to add both to the footer at the bottom of the list. Please feel free to submit patches to the website to help me out giving the most efficient communication.

There are some places where Google is turning up old results where newer results would be preferred. It would be great if you have newer answers to make sure the pages on best reflect what you know. Google finds pretty well. Even better, patches to will be accepted if they are presented as a nice pull-request. Direct editing is allowed to those who spend the time to look through the code.