On Sun, 21 May 2017 23:12:20 -0700 (PDT), Radovan Chovan
<rado991@gmail.com> declaimed the following:
I used MiniTool Partition Wizard for finding out partition rootfs(ext4).
But I cannot add drive letter to this partiton.
It does not surprise me -- Windows really only works with NTFS and
(ex)FAT formats.
However, the card reader slot itself should have a drive letter (mine
show up even with no card inserted). If you have NO drive letters for the
card reader slots then you may need to use the disk management console ("my
computer"/"this computer" -- right click/manage... Storage/Disk
The top will only show mounted "drives" (those with a file system
Windows recognizes). The bottom will show each physical drive with regions
indicating the partitioning. For a Windows format, the drive letter will be
in the partition area -- for empty card reader slots, the drive letter is
on the left side, such as:
Disk 4 (G:)
No Media
Disk 5 (H:)
No Media
Disk 6
No Media
4 is my SD card slot, 5 is my CF card slot. 6 (and 7) are Memory Stick
and some other little used card format. There is a reason they do not have
drive letters -- I removed them so they wouldn't show up, as I do not have
any cards in those formats.
If your SD card slot has no drive letter, right click on the "disk #"
and select "Change drive letter and paths". [ADD], (it should present the
next available drive letter by default), [OK], [OK]
Thanks for your time.
I tried your instructions, I have
Disk 1
Removable (F:)
No Media
But still no success with Win32DiskImager. I got Lock Error: An error occurred when attempting to lock the volume. Error 5: Access is denied. I tried to reboot my PC but it didn’t help.
As I wrote in my last post I solved this problem using VirtualBox with Ubuntu, so please consider the problem resolved.
Dňa pondelok, 22. mája 2017 17:27:56 UTC+2 Dennis Lee Bieber napísal(-a):
On Mon, 22 May 2017 23:36:28 -0700 (PDT), Radovan Chovan
<rado991@gmail.com> declaimed the following:
Thanks for your time.
I tried your instructions, I have
Disk 1
Removable (F:\)
No Media
But still no success with Win32DiskImager. I got Lock Error: An error
occurred when attempting to lock the volume. Error 5: Access is denied. I
tried to reboot my PC but it didn't help.
Sounds like some other program is running in the background that has
taken ownership of the drive. Though a Google search seems to blame the
card reader itself:
while others blame music players and anti-virus:
(though that is old enough that the author claims a change in processing at
the end). A more up-to-date thread is:
which had updates in December... How old is your copy of the program? The
current download appears to be only 2.5 months old.
I saw the thread https://sourceforge.net/p/win32diskimager/tickets/9/ before, but nothing helped to me.
I 've used Win32DiskImager v0.8. I see, it exists v1.0 on sourgeforge.net.
Dňa utorok, 23. mája 2017 16:33:31 UTC+2 Dennis Lee Bieber napísal(-a):
Hi RobertCNelson,
I downloaded “flasher” Debian image “AM3358 Debian 10.3 2020-04-06 4GB eMMC IoT Flasher” from https://beagleboard.org/latest-images.
It doesn’t work with Chipsee display.
4 years ago we solved this problem for Debian Jessie 8.
Do you have some solution for newest Debian 10.3.?
I need new Debian version because Debian 8 Jessie support ended in June 2020.
Best Regards
Radovan Chovan
Dátum: streda 24. mája 2017, čas: 8:02:39 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Radovan Chovan
does anyone know if it is Chipsee cape compatible with newer Debian (9, 10) at all?
Dátum: utorok 6. apríla 2021, čas: 14:13:08 UTC+2, odosielateľ: Radovan Chovan