GSoC 2015 Idea: Beagle circuit simulator

I have a project idea for GSoC 2015: beagle circuit simulator:

The goal of the project is to have a basic working simulator that users can use for prototyping ideas and trying things out, and novice users can use for getting to know how various electrical elements work and how they can be combined with the board.
The basic samples from bone101 projects would also be included, enabling quick start for new users.

The project would be developed using Javascript by extending on SimcirJS ( and adding a new Beaglebone component that can be scripted by using bonescript. For the editing part, ace text editor would be integrated. Since bonescript is not compatible with the web, a rewrite would be needed to support the basic digital and analog input/output of the board for interaction with SimcirJS, keeping the same API. I2c and Serial would not be initially implemented in the simulator.
Due to the current state of SimcirJS, elements would be limited to digital only.

I would also like to add that the project would integrate a way to remotely deploy the bonescript code, just like bone101.

I created a very simple proof of concept demonstrating how that could possibly work: