[GSOC2015] Improving initial experience for novice developers


I am João Martins From Portugal, I am actually studying in
“Universidade de Evora” in computer Science.

I saw in BeagleBoard the ideia of “Improving initial experience for novice developers” I am interested in this idea for now,
In last year I have participate in GSOC but in the Eclipse Foundation, this year I want to try something different and I think this idea is a good start to do that

About the goal of “Provide a downloadable application for Linux, Windows and Mac that enables unexperienced users to get going enough to start learning about using Linux and the embedded I/O.”
In my vision I think is importante to help novice developers.

I have knowledge of C, Python, some swift and Objective-C and a solid java knowledge using objects and data structures. For now I am working in OS X but can work in other OS without no problems.

I will appreciate any opinion about my skills relative to this project or any other in the BeagleBoard.org

Best Regards
João Martins

Do you have any experience with Android /Java?

With android I don’t have much experience because I don’t have yet an opportunity to explore as what I like , but java I am some experience and I feel comfortable using java.

Have you tried running Android on the BBB ?

I didn’t have the opportunity to try it.

From what I saw, I don’t have the BeagleBone Black,
It have another way to understand and run it to make possible participate in GSoC 2015 with your organisation? or the fact of don’t have the BBB is a exclusion factor?

It definitely makes it easy if you have one :slight_smile:
You could take a look at the bonescript project in that case.

For BeableBoard, it have any pre requirement to proposal?
I have a big interest about the BBB and I will enjoy a lot work with it.