Help on how to use the BBB UART


Here is the newbie again! I am learning how to use the BB UARTs. I am working on the example at

The minicom commands are not working for me.

  1. #first terminal window:
  2. minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyO1
  3. #second terminal window:
  4. minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyO2

I modified the program slighty thinking I could setup UART1 and UART2, cross the RX/TX of UART 1 and UART 2 as per the directions.

Since I can’t get the minicom to work for me is there another way I test everything is working?

Here is my program in Python:

import Adafruit_BBIO.UART as UART
import serial


#tty1 RX = P9_26 TX = P9_24
ser = serial.Serial(port = “/dev/tty1”, baudrate=9600)
#tty2 RX = P9_22 TX = P9_21
ser = serial.Serial(port = “/dev/tty2”, baudrate=9600)
if ser.isOpen():
print “Serial is open!”
print “Great Job”
ser.write(“Hello World!”)

Eventually, you’ll want to clean up, but leave this commented for now,

as it doesn’t work yet


I am expecting to be able to transmit and receive: “Hello Word!” right?

Thanks in advance,



Here is the newbie again! I am learning how to use the BB UARTs. I am
working on the example at
UART | Setting up IO Python Library on BeagleBone Black | Adafruit Learning System

The minicom commands are not working for me.

#first terminal window:
minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyO1

#second terminal window:
minicom -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyO2

I modified the program slighty thinking I could setup UART1 and UART2, cross
the RX/TX of UART 1 and UART 2 as per the directions.

Since I can't get the minicom to work for me is there another way I test
everything is working?

Here is my program in Python:

import Adafruit_BBIO.UART as UART
import serial


#tty1 RX = P9_26 TX = P9_24
ser = serial.Serial(port = "/dev/tty1", baudrate=9600)

^ /dev/ttyO1

#tty2 RX = P9_22 TX = P9_21
ser = serial.Serial(port = "/dev/tty2", baudrate=9600)

^ /dev/ttyO2
