how can I make Linksys usb to ethernet workable ?

I am using USB 200M

What did you try? What problems occured?


Hi wb,

I'm not sure what kernel you are using. However, if you are building
your own kernel, you want to select

ASIX AX88xxx Based USB 2.0 Ethernet Adapters

in Device Drivers --> Network device support --> USB Network Adapters

Hope that helps.


I am using kernel binary given
Kernel (uImage)

Hi wb,

I'm not sure what options were selected in that kernel. However, I
suggest you try to build you own kernel with ASIX support as I
described in my previous post. I have the same USB device and that's
how I got it to work with the android kernels I'm working with.


Hi Jay
I will try to build kernel from given source.
Can I connect USB to Ethernet directly without using any USB hub. I
have got one hub but that do not have external power supply?

No, you can't connect the USB200M directly to the beagle. I tried to
connect it directly but the board doesn't seem to provide enough power
to power the USB200M. I use a powered hub and it works great with the
Angstrom BeagleBoardDemoImage - no need to build your own config, the
options are already chosen in the openembedded beagleboard-demo-image

Its difficult to get USB hub with external supply in my city in India.

Finally I got one USB hub but its not from any standard company Which
USB driver I should select to build?
How about giving external 5V supply through connected cable and not
using USB hub?
Do I need to short 4&5 pin of OTG connector of Beagle board?
