how to start working with beagleboard-XM ...

I newely started working with BB-XM.
i got the sd card dumped with angstrom. and had no problem of
connecting drivers and booting.
please tell me how to work with it to complete my imageprocessing and
computer vision projects
I am also new with LINUX and know i am in the middle of
sea.................with out an idea.
I also started installing opencv on BBXM but unable to cmake it.

the error was"cmake not found."

1.first should i install the tool chain?
2.what is tool chain and what does it consisits of.

PLEASE GUIDE ME.......................................

had in ur group any body dng project on beaglebook

Take a week to study all the wikis and linux itself.
A post on a forum cannot help you.

Check this

Read it thoroughly.
And read the wikis at the bottom as well.

Don't implement anything for a couple of days.
Just read read read read thoroughly.
So you can understand the system itself.
Then start your work.

thank u very much.
i started reading them and hope fully i would understand the underlying concept