Is angstrom project still alive ?


The web server has been down for a while, so I was wondering if the angstrom project is still active or If I should switch to another distrib ?


Im just starting out with ARM and BBB… but about 30 minutes into angstrom, with the website being down, lack of support, lack of community, lack of documentation… I switched.

I dont know which distro is the best for what you are doing but… i think there are better options to angstrom. thats IMHO…

I have a few micro sd cards 8gigs or more and I have been flashing them to run headless distros of debian and ubuntu. at that level they are almost he same thing so. I like Debian because its what we used in school. I like ubuntu because of the support and documentation.

I also thought I read a thread on here about a month ago that had to do with BB switching from shipping bbb with Angstrom… donno tho as Im still new.

Just so you know. Much of the Debian and Ubuntu documentation will work for both. Debian also has a ton of information / documentation out there. All you have to do is google.

I like Debian because I have been using it for years and it is very solid. Debian on the BBB has also been very solid in my experience. However, this is not a desktop x86 OS so do not expect every single thing to work perfectly, or even to be included in the package manager(s).

That's what I felt about Angstrom.

Ron Morgan wrote:

Im just starting out with ARM and BBB… but about 30 minutes into angstrom, with the website being down, lack of support, lack of community, lack of documentation… I switched.

My BBB is a A5C revision, so I updated the angstrom distribution with the lastest available one (which is not very recent) and once it booted up I updaed the packages (opkg update;opkg upgrade). The repository server is still alive.
But the angstrom project lacks of activities, support and community.

I have a few micro sd cards 8gigs or more and I have been flashing them to run headless distros of debian and ubuntu. at that level they are almost he same thing so. I like Debian because its what we used in school. I like ubuntu because of the support and documentation.

For my personal and professional needs, i’ve developping embedded linux apps with debian and fedora-based distributions, so ubuntu will be easier to use.
The latest ubuntu image for arm processors was made on Feb 16th, the community is active. I will give a try to ubuntu.

Thanks for your reply