Need help with 'narcissus' Image builder boot parameters assocaited with b/board

Hi All,

I have built a simple Linux image for the BeagleBoard using the
narcissus builder app, see

Having followed the instructions (un DDed the SD image onto a 1GB SD
card, then un tarred the main file onto the ext3 partition), I get the
boot errors listed below. Looks like mdparts variables are not set,
causing the kernal image to not be found.

It seems that I have missed some steps associated with the preparation
of the SD card and was hoping for a detailed getting started guide.

Any help appreciated.



Hi Mark,
I had the same problem, in my case it works by changing my U-boot environment.
The image must be called uImage.bin instead of uImage in your U-boot environment variable “bootcmd”.


When did you build that? I fixed that particular bug last week :slight_smile:



Hi Koen, Alex,

The images were made about a week ago, so could well be out of date
WRT the latest tools.

Could I have the correct, complete boot cmt string please, I am
currently using

setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw
setenv bootcmd 'mmc init;fatload mmc 0 80300000 uImage;bootm 80300000'



Hi Mark,
Try using this line for bootcmd: setenv bootcmd ‘mmc init;fatload mmc 0 80300000 uImage.bin;bootm 80300000’


Hi Alex,

Thanks, that fixed everything.



Hi Koen, Alex,

The images were made about a week ago, so could well be out of date
WRT the latest tools.

That sounds like you just missed the bugfix.

Could I have the correct, complete boot cmt string please, I am
currently using

setenv bootargs ‘console=ttyS2,115200n8 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw
setenv bootcmd ‘mmc init;fatload mmc 0 80300000 uImage;bootm 80300000’

It’s much better not so save any bootargs to NAND, the defaults in u-boot are sane enough. If you need to override them, a boot.scr would be enough.



Hi Koen,

I have built a single image with Matchbox, Illume, Enlightenment and
Metacity window managers. At run time, I only see a mouse controlled
pointer-arrow. How do I change between manager (or should I only
compile using a single manager) ?



I have built a single image with Matchbox, Illume, Enlightenment and Metacity window managers. At run time, I only see a mouse controlled pointer-arrow. How do I change between manager (or should I only
compile using a single manager) ?

It seems that the bug is in Metacity scripts: I only selected Metacity and had the same issue. While in console, I see that everything works.


OK. I will try a build without Metacity.

Can someone explain what is meant by 'Base system' in this builder ?
Options are small (task-boot), regular (task-base), and extended (task-

Also, can I use the same SD card image (partition 1) for every system
build, or do I have to completely re-load the SD card partition 1 and
2 every time ?

