New Capes from Circuitco!

Greetings All!

just wanted to let everyone know that a whole series of new capes are now available from Circuitco. these capes can be purchased from and other distributors.

Bacon Cape | Educational cape | $29.99 |

  • | - | - |
    MiniDisplay Cape | 128x128 spi based lcd | $29.99 |
    RS-232 Cape | new rs-232 cape with db-9 connector | $29.99 |
    Basic Proto Cape | basic I/o proto cape | $16.99 |
    Generic Proto Cape | standard prototype cap | $16.99 |
    Extended Proto Cape | new prototype cape for experimenters | $17.99 |
    Power Supply Cape | wide voltage range support cape | $23.99 |
    Audio Cape | new audio cape based on aic3104 | $29.99 |
    RTC Cape | Real Time Clock MCP79410 | $23.99 |
    PWM Cape | 32 PWM interfaces for LED/Servo | $29.99 |

you can find more information on each of the wiki pages at

all of these capes are now in stock at