New EV3 for LEGO! Recommend EVB: Replace the brain of your LEGO EV3 with BBB

Hi All

Our team launched a new project on

EVB: Replace the Brain and Sensors in your LEGO® MINDSTORMS EV3 with a BeagleBone Black. 100% LEGO Compatible but Much More Powerful.

If you like, please visit the link below to get the super early edition. Or search “EVB” on


EVB is a shield (or called cape) for Beaglebone Black (BBB). It fully support LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 system, either the hardware and software! EVB is compatible with all LEGO® sensors just like the EV3 Brick, 100% same! It allows the EV3 VM to be run on the Beaglebone Black. What powerful is, with extra Sensor Board in EVB system, you can do more! This means you can add more sensors to your LEGO® system.

I will be appreciated if you can help us sharing this information to who like making something or LEGO fan, robotic fan, etc.

We are makers, and we enjoy making.

Best Regards,