node bone script issues 03-19-17 image

I want to report an issue with the latest image 03-19-2017 when trying to use bone script.
I get a strange error message which maybe implies the robotics cape motors even though this is
a Beagle Black Wireless and no motors in site.
I tried running my test program using sudo and get a complete failure cannot find bonescript.

I realize work is being done to convert to debian user from root and there are issues with node and python
so I am posting this not looking for a quick fix but just in case it is helpful to the work being done.

I get the same error messages running as debian user or using the cloud9 side where I am root user.

I attached a terminal dump of the error messages


TermNodeFail03192017.txt (1.93 KB)

I still get the same errors with the latest posted Image 2017-08-24
