Nodejs program in Cloud9 autorun folder does not run properly

I am trying to get a program to run at boot up by placing it in the Cloud9 auto run folder but it does not work properly.
My nodes version is 0.10.24
My Kernel version is : Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 02:11:09 EDT 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux

The program runs in the cloud9 environment and from the command line /var/lib/cloud9/autorun node controlautorun

I could create a service that is called at boot time but I really would like to find the problem with the auto run system.

The program communicates serially with another device so I can see immediately if the serial data is being sent.

The first thing I did was to send the console log to a file. It is not written-to when the controlautorun is started by autorun. I believe controlautorun is started and stopped before opening the serial port here is a log from journalctl:

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: change: controlautorun.js

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: start: controlautorun.js

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: change: controlautorun.js

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: stop: controlautorun.js

Jan 25 13:34:42 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: start: controlautorun.js

also from PS the process id seems to change which is consistent with starting and stopping:

root@beaglebone:~# ps -aux | grep controlautorun

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus ‘-’? See

root 3393 0.0 0.1 1956 576 pts/0 S+ 14:07 0:00 grep controlautorun

root@beaglebone:~# ps -auxwww | grep controlautorun

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus ‘-’? See

root 3395 0.0 0.1 1956 576 pts/0 S+ 14:09 0:00 grep controlautorun

Here is the first few lines of controlautorun.js:

var app = require(‘http’).createServer(handler);

var io = require(’/usr/local/lib/node_modules/’).listen(app);

var fs = require(‘fs’);

var bb = require(‘bonescript’);

var SerialPort = require(“serialport”).SerialPort;

var serialPort = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyO1",{baudrate:115200}

, false);

// logging ===

var fs = require(‘fs’);

var util = require(‘util’);

var log_file = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + ‘/debug.log’, {flags : ‘a’});

var log_stdout = process.stdout;

console.log = function(d) { //

log_file.write(util.format(d) + ‘\n’);

log_stdout.write(util.format(d) + ‘\n’);


// =============


var companyName = ‘Luminosys’;

var productName = ‘RGY800’;

var productModelNo =‘AB03’;

var productID= ‘100A’;

var macAddress = ‘11:23:45:C7:88:D3’;

var IPAddress = ‘’;

var masterPsw = ’ ';

var user1 = ’ ';

var user2 = ’ ';

var user1Psw= ’ ';

var user2Psw= ’ ';

var accessPointName = ’ ';

var accessPointPsw = ’ ';

var state = ‘on’;

var serialTxDataLenght = ‘24’;

var txDataHeader = 03;

var colorA=3; // 0=off, 1= yellow, 2=green, 3= red, 4= flashing red 5= flashing green

var redTime=8;

var greenTime=4;

var yellowTime=3;

var clearTime= redTime-greenTime-yellowTime;

var redCountA=8;

var greenCountA=0;

var yellowCountA=0;

var TotalCycleTime;

var FlashingRed=1;

var SolarPresence;

var ADCValues;

var solarPowerPercent;

var batChargePercent;

var solarCurrentPercent;

var daylight;

var temperature;

var tA; //

var lightTimeDivide=0;

var timerA=5;

var timerB=4;

var phaseA=3;

var phaseB=3;

var syncB=0;

var lightTimeDivide=0;

var flashingRed=0;

var batVolt;

var colorB=0;

var redCountB=8;

var greenCountB=0;

var yellowCountB=0;

var txABuffer = new Buffer(18);

var txASerialBusy=0;

var aSideWatchdog=100; // tbd

//****** serial port init**************{

console.log(’------------Serial 1 open------------’);

// serialPort.write("test usart1 ", function(err, results){

// if (err) console.log('error: ’ + err);

// console.log('Bytes written ’ + results);

// });


serialPort.on(‘data’, function (data){

if (data[0] === 0x15 ){

console.log(’============Received NAK ===========’);


if (data[0] === 0x06 && data[data.length-1]===0x03){

console.log(‘Good Msg’);

var msgSwitch=1;

var jj=1;

var ii=1;

for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

if (data[jj] ===0x20){

batVolt = data.toString(‘utf8’,ii,jj);

console.log('Battery Voltage = '+ batVolt);






for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

if (data[jj] ===0x20){

solarPowerPercent = data.toString(‘utf8’,ii,jj);

console.log('Solar Power = ‘+ solarPowerPercent+ ’ %’);






for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

if (data[jj] ===0x20){

daylight = data.toString(‘utf8’,ii,jj);

console.log('Daylight = '+ daylight);






for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

if (data[jj] ===0x20){

temperature = data.toString(‘utf8’,ii,jj);

console.log('Temperature = ‘+ temperature + ’ C’);






for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

if (data[jj] ===0x20){

batChargePercent = data.toString(‘utf8’,ii,jj);

console.log('Battery Level = ‘+ batChargePercent+ ’ %’);






//console.log(data.length +’ data received: ’ + data);

aSideWatchdog=100; //

} else {

console.log(‘Bad Msg’);

console.log(data.length +’ data received: ’ + data);



// ===== end open serial port ============

Any ideal on how to troubleshoot this problem will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Claude Arpin

I am trying to get a program to run at boot up by placing it in the Cloud9
auto run folder but it does not work properly.
My nodes version is 0.10.24

Guess you aren't using the Angstrom image. Do you know if
bonescript/autorun.js is actually running? Angstrom has it started with
systemd. The systemd service to run it is in the systemd directory of the
BoneScript repository.

Also, what version of BoneScript are you running? There was a bug in older
versions of BoneScript's autorun where the lack of handling STDIO caused
programs to end immediately after starting.

Test version with:

node -pe "require('bonescript').getPlatform().bonescript"

My Kernel version is : Linux beaglebone 3.8.13 #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 02:11:09
EDT 2013 armv7l GNU/Linux

The program runs in the cloud9 environment and from the command line
/var/lib/cloud9/autorun node controlautorun

I could create a service that is called at boot time but I really would
like to find the problem with the auto run system.

The program communicates serially with another device so I can
see immediately if the serial data is being sent.

The first thing I did was to send the console log to a file. It is not
written-to when the controlautorun is started by autorun. I believe
controlautorun is started and stopped before opening the serial port here
is a log from journalctl:

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: change:

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: start:

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: change:

Jan 25 13:34:41 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: stop:

Jan 25 13:34:42 beaglebone bonescript-autorun[134]: info: start:

Guess that says you are running bonescript/autorun.js fine. Makes me think
you are just running the old version.

also from PS the process id seems to change which is consistent with
starting and stopping:

root@beaglebone:~# ps -aux | grep controlautorun

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See

root 3393 0.0 0.1 1956 576 pts/0 S+ 14:07 0:00 grep

root@beaglebone:~# ps -auxwww | grep controlautorun

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See

root 3395 0.0 0.1 1956 576 pts/0 S+ 14:09 0:00 grep

Here is the first few lines of controlautorun.js:

var app = require('http').createServer(handler);

var io = require('/usr/local/lib/node_modules/').listen(app);

var fs = require('fs');

var bb = require('bonescript');

var SerialPort = require("serialport").SerialPort;

var serialPort = new SerialPort("/dev/ttyO1",{baudrate:115200}

, false);

// logging ===

var fs = require('fs');

var util = require('util');

var log_file = fs.createWriteStream(__dirname + '/debug.log', {flags :

var log_stdout = process.stdout;

console.log = function(d) { //

  log_file.write(util.format(d) + '\n');

  log_stdout.write(util.format(d) + '\n');


// =============


var companyName = 'Luminosys';

var productName = 'RGY800';

var productModelNo ='AB03';

var productID= '100A';

var macAddress = '11:23:45:C7:88:D3';

var IPAddress = '';

var masterPsw = ' ';

var user1 = ' ';

var user2 = ' ';

var user1Psw= ' ';

var user2Psw= ' ';

var accessPointName = ' ';

var accessPointPsw = ' ';

var state = 'on';

var serialTxDataLenght = '24';

var txDataHeader = 03;

var colorA=3; // 0=off, 1= yellow, 2=green, 3= red, 4= flashing red 5=
flashing green

var redTime=8;

var greenTime=4;

var yellowTime=3;

var clearTime= redTime-greenTime-yellowTime;

var redCountA=8;

var greenCountA=0;

var yellowCountA=0;

var TotalCycleTime;

var FlashingRed=1;

var SolarPresence;

var ADCValues;

var solarPowerPercent;

var batChargePercent;

var solarCurrentPercent;

var daylight;

var temperature;

var tA; //

var lightTimeDivide=0;

var timerA=5;

var timerB=4;

var phaseA=3;

var phaseB=3;

var syncB=0;

var lightTimeDivide=0;

var flashingRed=0;

var batVolt;

var colorB=0;

var redCountB=8;

var greenCountB=0;

var yellowCountB=0;

var txABuffer = new Buffer(18);

var txASerialBusy=0;

var aSideWatchdog=100; // tbd

//****** serial port init**************{

    console.log('------------Serial 1 open------------');

  // serialPort.write("test usart1 ", function(err, results){

  // if (err) console.log('error: ' + err);

  // console.log('Bytes written ' + results);

  // });


serialPort.on('data', function (data){

         if (data[0] === 0x15 ){

            console.log('============Received NAK ===========');


        if (data[0] === 0x06 && data[data.length-1]===0x03){

            console.log('Good Msg');

            var msgSwitch=1;

            var jj=1;

            var ii=1;

            for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

                if (data[jj] ===0x20){

                    batVolt = data.toString('utf8',ii,jj);

                    console.log('Battery Voltage = '+ batVolt);






            for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

                if (data[jj] ===0x20){

                    solarPowerPercent = data.toString('utf8',ii,jj);

                    console.log('Solar Power = '+ solarPowerPercent+ ' %');






            for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

                if (data[jj] ===0x20){

                    daylight = data.toString('utf8',ii,jj);

                    console.log('Daylight = '+ daylight);






            for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

                if (data[jj] ===0x20){

                    temperature = data.toString('utf8',ii,jj);

                    console.log('Temperature = '+ temperature + ' C');






            for (jj=ii; jj< data.length-1;jj++){

                if (data[jj] ===0x20){

                    batChargePercent = data.toString('utf8',ii,jj);

                    console.log('Battery Level = '+ batChargePercent+ '






        //console.log(data.length +' data received: ' + data);

        aSideWatchdog=100; //

        } else {

            console.log('Bad Msg');

        console.log(data.length +' data received: ' + data);



    // ===== end open serial port ============

Any ideal on how to troubleshoot this problem will be greatly appreciated.

Check out the questions above. If you know it works from the command-line,
it should work under autorun with BoneScript 0.2.4.

Thanks for the answers, I appreciate this support. I wanted to try the new Debian version and it turned out to be really great. It fixed my autorun problem.