I have about 20 BBB that were borked while flashing eMMC from SD card. Power LED is on, User LEDs are off, serial console has nothing at all. Can’t boot from SD (via button or jumpering headers). I tested my serial on a working card, so I’m pretty sure that the couple of spaces that appear after power is the only chatter on the line for these defunct devices.
Is there any hope of a deep recovery? Seems like the bootloader is pooched.
Also, and speculation on the likely cause of what is killing these? I think my flash is pretty standard write to eMMC, and then I run a script that changes the boot order SD then eMMC.
I think the eMMC does not have enough space for the current images, i.e. especially if you are flashing IoT or XFCE images.
The console and/or minimal image might not be so bad but you might have to still erase a bunch of data and programs to get it to the point where you can flash the eMMC from the micro SD Card.
You don’t provide enough information to support any good conclusions,
but I would hook up a scope to the debug port TX line to make sure there’s
nothing going on there.
Unless you somehow blew up the processor itself, you should be able to see some C
being emitted from the rom-based emergency bootloader.
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You say you have 20, all with the same issue?!
What kernel did you use, right before they all started going bad?
It’s not the infamous 6.1.x “eMMC destructicon” kernel, is it?
What exactly is engraved on your eMMC chip?
A close-up picture of it would be best…