Pin mux on the expansion header


I am trying to get UART2 on the expansion header and the different docs
appears to be conflicting. Using the Beagle Board HRM B5:

Page 83, Table 17 shows UART2 RX and TX as being available on the
expansion header's pin 8 and 10 using signals that can be configured for:
Pin 8:
Pin 10:

However, there does not appear to be such a combination as shown
for Pin 10 per the OMAP3530 TRM or the OMAP3530 datasheets.
The closest is ball AF5 (CBB package) which can be configured for

There is another ball (AE6 on CBB) that can be configured for
MCBSP3_DR but that does not provide UART2_TX functionality.

To further complicate things, Pin 6 on the expansion header in the same table
shows it being capable of MCBSP3_CLKX. The schematics in the Beagle Board
HRM seems to be consistant with Table 17. I have not checked the gerbers for
what is actually routed since I don't have viewer handy.

Any guidance as to what is routed where?


-- Hunyue

Follow the schematics. There is an error in the document tables where the B and C columns are swapped between pins 6 and 10 of the expansion connector. The Gerber files have no impact on this issue as the first name in the table is the correct identification of the pin that is connected to the expansion connectors.
