Possible TPS65217C/Beaglebone Black Issue

Sir, my beaglebone black board when power up using 5V adaptor power led blink once and get off .when i check voltage at 3.3V pin it gives 0V at that paticular pin.After reading datasheet it tell PMIC shutdown mode.Will you please tell me any solution for this?

tps died..


Could also be poor Voltage regulation of 5V adaptor.
The Voltage at the input of the BBB TPS MUST stay between 4.5 and 5.5 Volts or TPS will go into self protect and do as you describe.
Even one millisecond outside of Voltage limits will trip self protect.
Best to keep power input Voltage between 4.75 and 5.25 Volts at all times.
Put scope on the power pin and make sure Voltage stays good.
— Graham

Sir, Thank you for reply
I checked the input voltage and i am getting 5.25V at tps pin. Can you please tell me what would be issue?

And if tps is died how can i recover it?

Did you check with oscilloscope?
Regular Voltmeter can not see short transients that will trip TPS chip into self-protect.

If TPS chip is damaged, you must replace the chip, or purchase another BBB board.

— Graham

Thank you for reply
Yes sir, i checked on oscilloscope even later i checked reset pin of tps65217 ic which should go low if pmic is in shutdown mode, but i see high signal on that pin.

Replacing the TPS65217 chip will not fix the board. The processor is most liley blown. When the light flashes, that is the TPS65217 turning on and then shutting down due to excess currecnt on one of the rails, typicaly the 1.8V or 3.3V rail.


As a general comment, whenever people are talking about edge
detection, there's an implied timing specification of the sharpness
and/or quality of that edge---there's an implied slope and setup/hold
times, and your actual V(t) may be such that it is not seen as a
valid, recognized positive edge.

Specifically, the voltage rise could be too fast or too slow, or the
voltage dip is too shallow, or there are ringing/bouncing artefacts
that lock out the edge detector.

Did you find something about this issue? I face the same problem with a beaglebone that is powered by a DC-DC converter 5V, 1.5A. Is there any commercial device that can monitor the power state of the beaglebone, so that the off/on process is done automatically? Or any other trick that causes the beaglebone to reboot instead of switching off.
