problem in Cross Compiling of QT5.7.1 for BeagleBoneBlack

Dear Developers,

I am trying to cross compile Qt5.7.1 for BBB on my host. When I give following configure command to configure GUI from source then I get error „Unable to determine architecture!“.


sudo ./configure
-v -opengl -opensource -confirm-license -no-pch -sysroot /mnt/bbbhf
-prefix /opt/Qt5_7_1_test_OpenGl/qt571-bbbhf -release
-force-debug-info -device linux-bbbhf-g++ -make libs -nomake tests
-nomake examples -device-option
-v -qt-zlib -skip virtualkeyboard -no-use-gold-linker -pkg-config


Below I have also given output I have got after giving configure command.


  • cd qtbase