Bad Power Supply? (assuming it was common between both boards..)
Bad Power Supply? (assuming it was common between both boards..)
I don’t have another power supply and it is the main suspect. I’ve checked the voltage and the current consumption, it looked OK (~5.6v 25ma).
5.6V.... ahh, see this discussion..
then take a look at:
(adapter plugs for country are at the bottom..)
Thanks, I’ll have a look.
I’m sure I never passed 6v so I hope nothing is permanently damaged.
When you power the beagleboard using the usb-otg, do you get power to the usb hub? (led D14 on?), if yes, then something was permanently damaged.
Nope... usb-otg doesn't provide enough power (100mA initial, upto
500mA after usb initialization), so on the xM C the usb hub is never
powered in that case.. The xM needs about (750-ish mA) with just the
usb hub activated...