Problems setting up Cross Compiler tool chain in Debian (perhaps Apt-Get issues)


I recently installed Debian Wheezy 7.4.0 on by x86 laptop to do BeagleBone Black development. But I am having an impossible time to install the ARMEL and ARMHF compiler tool chains to cross compile for the BeagleBone Black. I think Aptitude got screwed up some how on the machine specifically for ARMEL and ARMHF… I followed the instructions on various sites and I still can not get it to download and install. HELP :slight_smile:

I tried 2 methods: 1 to locate them on DVD-ROM discs (can not be found), 2. to use the Emdebian install. For Emdebian, If I do an apt-get update (with the Emdebian installed in source.list.d ) it complains it can not find ARMEL / ARMHF stuff and says it will be ignored. Also I read that the ARM tool chain is supposed to be right in the Debian distro DVDs, but no matter what I do I can not seem to get APT to find it on there.

Can someone help me to solve my APT issues and/or clean up my APT sources.list file so it is correct so I can install these tools ?

When I installed Debian, I had to do an EXPERT install because the machine I am using is a multi-boot machine with various partitions. However, when it came time to install the software in EXPERT mode, Debian would not let me eject the DVD discs and scan the various other discs (#2, #3, update #1, and update #2). But the install continued fine anyway and completed. However, now for some reason I can not get the ARM cross compilers installed, nor can I get APT-GET to locate them on the DVD discs.

Thanks in advance for your help.