Qt Build Enviroment for BeagleBoard Tutorial

I made a tutorial on setting up a Development Environment on Ubuntu
for Qt running on the BeagleBoard-xM with Angstrom.

It includes:
  Installing Qt-Creator
  Getting the toolchain
  Getting the Qt source
  Building the Qt Libraries
  Setting up Qt-Creator for a Beagleboard-xM build
  Setting up Qt on the BeagleBoard-xM
  Using Qt-Creator to build an executable and running it on the


I would appreciate comments.

Hi, everyone!

  I am an Amateur "Ham" Radio Operator. Since around June of this year, I
have been wanting a very small internet linking node that I could easily take
where ever I went. Internet Linking is a method of using VoIP technology to
link repeaters (talk on input frequency, retransmits on output frequency) all
over the world over the Internet. There are currently three amateur internet
linking networks - AllStarLink, EchoLink, and IRLP. I'm currently involved
with AllStarLink and EchoLink. That's enough history. :smiley:

  Since around June of this year, I have been dreaming of having a very
small portable node I could easily take with me where ever I wanted to go.
This is how the Pico Node Project started. It wasn't until September when I
decided to go for it and setup my own node that I came in contact with Jim. I
started posting about my dream of the Pico Node, and he asked me if I would
like his help, to which I said "Of course!" and we started working together.

  This morning at around 9:30 AM, the Pico Node became a reality, and I now
have the smallest operational node there is. It runs on my BeagleBoard C3,
which is connected to a DMK Engineering URI (Universal Radio Interface), which
is in turn connected to an Alinco DR-435T mono band (440 Mhz) tranceiver. The
software is a fork of the code for Asterisk, the Open Source PBX. This node is
active right now, running on a BeagleBoard!

  I'm looking forward to continuing development on this project, including
creating a very small repeater controller, using a BeagleBoard-xM. Jim tells
me that the BeagleBoard-xM should easily be able to handle at least two
channels with ecellent audio. I think we could also benefit from using the
onboard DSP for audio processing to allow even more channels to be handled.

  This is another awesome project based on the BeagleBoard!


Excellent! Sounds very cool.

Oh, it definitely is cool! :smiley: This little node could easily be made into a
wearable appliance if an HT (Handie Talkie, portable) radio is used for the
node radio. Everything can be battery powered very easily too. :slight_smile:

  Now, I need to get a BeagleBoard-xM so we can proceed to develope the
repeater controller as well as give the Pico Node some more horse power to
play with, especially for audio processing. It's kind of wild seeing somebody
login to my Beagle remotely. :slight_smile:

  I've built quite a bit of software right on my Beagle, but it would be so
much nicer on a Beagle-xM. I even built a full kernel and Python, plus some
other modules we had to have development libraries and headers for.
