Reduce Booting Time of Angstrom Linux


I have installed Angstrom linux on my Beagle Xm Rev C. The current
booting time till the desktop is displayed is 45 sec or more which is
too much. Has any one worked on reducing the boot time on ANGSTROM
LINUX only. As i have developed my application and its working fine
without any problem but only issue is the boot time.

Any minimal images available or if not then can anyone give some
pointers as to where and how to start to go about reducing the boot
time. Please note that i wanted it be on Angstrom Linux only.

Thanks in Advance


Try an image using systemd? Koen can tell you more


Can anyone guide me how to build Angstrom image using SYSTEMD. May be
i can use narcissus to build the image. will i have to do some other
changes other than narcissus build. My basic aim is to reduce the
booting time under 20 sec and now it is 45 sec or more which is too

Thanks in advance


Go to the angstrom website, click 'developers' and follow those instructions.