Reinstalling Applications after upgrading to Linux ubuntu-armhf 3.8.13-bone28

I am interesting in downloading and upgrading my kernel to Linux ubuntu-armhf 3.8.13-bone28 from Linux ubuntu-armhf 3.8.13-bone20.
I have been working in 20 for a few months and have installed quite a few applications. Are there any directions on:

  1. Listing current apt-get packages that need to be re-installed (without listing dependencies).
  2. What directories besides /etc, /home, /lib/firmware and /boot, etc should be backed up and re-copied to new system
  3. Any other considerations for the backup.
    This could be a good area for a tutorial; any takers? I could try, but I’m not knowledgeable enough in kernel/driver issues.
    Related question: how often should one be considering going through this process? Can it be scripted? Thanks.
    -Bit Pusher

I am interesting in downloading and upgrading my kernel to Linux
ubuntu-armhf 3.8.13-bone28 from Linux ubuntu-armhf 3.8.13-bone20.

If it helps, since it sounds like your starting over to "upgrading"
your system, this time maybe start with an image with easy kernel

(or if your in a none linux environment..)

as kernel upgrades are as easy as:

sudo /bin/bash

I have been working in 20 for a few months and have installed quite a few
applications. Are there any directions on:
1) Listing current apt-get packages that need to be re-installed (without
listing dependencies).

dpkg --get-selections > /backup/installed-software.log

sudo aptitude install $(cat /backup/installed-software.log)

2) What directories besides /etc, /home, /lib/firmware and /boot, etc should
be backed up and re-copied to new system

ignore /boot/ the new image should populate the bootloader...

3) Any other considerations for the backup.
This could be a good area for a tutorial; any takers? I could try, but I'm
not knowledgeable enough in kernel/driver issues.
Related question: how often should one be considering going through this
process? Can it be scripted? Thanks.

ah, store your application/scripts off the device and into a private
git/github/etc location... :wink:


Robert, thank you; this information should prove to be very helpful. I will probably take some time to try and do it right so that in time it can be shared. Thanks again.

Robert, I seem to be having bad luck and back to ground 0 with nothing running. Could you please send me the preferred link to start completely from scratch? That is reformatting the SD card, installing everything, etc. I am aiming at a system that boots the SD card. Sorry to bother you again, but if you have the time, this would real helpful. A lot of the material I google seems to be pointing at other systems, systems that flash to the eMMC, systems that need to be compiled, systems that are images to be dd'd in, etc. The links below seem to be for the kernel, but not for the complete system. Thanks again.

The trick is to scroll down a little bit past all the
background/advanced stuff etc. It's right there because everyone
asked for it upfront, when it wasn't there..

First, if your development system is linux based (non windows/osx
etc..) and you want to install 13.04, use this link..

(it's the first section under the #Demo_Image header tag..)

Then just follow the download/unpacking/run
instructions.. This will create a bootable microSD card.

BTW: since your eMMC is messed up, the first thing you should run when
booting this image is run:


If you on the other non-linux platforms use:

Which is, download, extract, use write img to your microSD..

In either case, since your eMMC is messed up, make sure to hold down
the boot push button..


Robert, just for your info: after a day, I was unsuccessful with below. So I decided to go back to an image install. From
I dfollowed the link to
and downloaded which I believe is your image file. I installed it my sd card using xz -cd *.xz > dev/sdf mounted the new sd card (looked fine), copied in my old /etc/network/intefaces file plugged it into my beagle and I am back where I was about 3 months ago with all ports closed. > nmap -A beagle Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2013-11-08 16:45 EST Nmap scan report for beagle ( Host is up (0.0022s latency). rDNS record for beaglebone.local All 1000 scanned ports on beagle ( are closed Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.20 seconds > If I plug in my bone20 sd card and do the same, I get > nmap -A beagle Starting Nmap 6.00 ( ) at 2013-11-08 16:54 EST Nmap scan report for beagle ( Host is up (0.0021s latency). rDNS record for beaglebone.local Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION 22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 6.1p1 Debian 4 (protocol 2.0) | ssh-hostkey: 1024 5d:84:2e:7c:c4:1a:10:ee:1c:d3:97:76:66:b5:92:8f (DSA) |_2048 08:8b:d8:8e:4c:fc:d2:74:f1:46:e9:6e:b8:28:eb:ab (RSA) Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:kernel Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at . Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.55 seconds > so I believe my network is fine. I have no idea why I can’t connect with your images, but without being able to connect, I have no way of figuring out what is going wrong. Any thoughts on uEnv.txt not being compatible. Any thoughts about the best way to try and get a serial usb link going? I will keep trying, but am totally lost on what to do. Everything seems to be going right until I try to login in over the internet. Your image seems to boot up fine, with the lights doing the right things, and booting down after 10 seconds when holding the reset key down etc., just can’t get into it over the ethernet. -Ken

Robert, just for your info: after a day, I was unsuccessful with below. So I decided to go back to an image install. From
I dfollowed the link to
and downloaded
which I believe is your image file. I

It’s not…

installed it my sd card using xz -cd *.xz > dev/sdf

My apologies; could you possibly point me to a link to one of your images? or would you recommend keep working on being able to download and compile an image myself in order to simplify staying current? I appreciate whatever time you have to point me in a direction as I understand the demands on your considerable expertise.

Robert, I'm finally back up but now with a bone28 based on your kernel so I should be able to stay current. For your info, there was some very weird stuff happening; when the board came up, nmap -A from my desktop couldn't find the board, nmap -Pn stated all ports were closed, but by chance after about 10 minutes I ran nmap -Pn again, and port 22 was open! and I was able to log in. It might have had something to do with setting the clock? in case your interested the last part of /var/log/syslog is below. Anyways, thanks for the help and now that I am up and running I should not have to bother you very much (at least not before I start writing drivers - but that should be many months away).

p.s. do you know if /etc/rc.local is run at boot? I have in it currently:

#!/bin/sh -e