Switch kernel or image version

In need to switch from a testing image to a stable image verison

Current Image:

  • Linux beaglebone 4.1.2-ti-r4 #1 armv7l GNU/Linux

  • debian_verison: 8.1

  • BBB-eMMC-flasher-debian-8.1-console-armhf-2015-07-19-2gb downloaded from [1]


  • HW: Beagle Bone Black Rev C
  • OS: Debian 8 (jessie)
  • enabled uarts by bb.org-overlays [2]
  • eMMC-flasher
  • console

Current Issue:
Random Reboots, maybe the reason are ‘Debian 8.1 / kernel 4.1.x test releases are unstable’ [3] or ‘BBB intermittently rebooting’ [4].

Can i upgrade or downgrade the kernel to fix this issue? How?
I prefer this kind of solution.

Or do i need to flash another image? Which one?

Does this the work?
Flash BBB-eMMC-flasher-debian-7.8-console-armhf-2015-07-28-2gb [5] image
To get debian jessie: $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-armmp
Enable uarts $ git clone GitHub - beagleboard/bb.org-overlays: Device Tree Overlays for bb.org boards; cd ./bb.org-overlays; ./dtc-overlay.sh ; ./install.sh

[1] https://rcn-ee.com/rootfs/bb.org/testing/2015-07-19/console/BBB-eMMC-flasher-debian-8.1-console-armhf-2015-07-19-2gb.img.xz
[2] http://beagleboard.org/Community/Forums?place=topic%2Fbeagleboard%2Fgo89maLiYPc%2Fdiscussion
[3] http://beagleboard.org/Community/Forums?place=topic%2Fbeagleboard%2FlF1X1XINjDo%2Fdiscussion
[4] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/beagleboard/2yOpE3XYJ1Y/discussion
[5] https://rcn-ee.com/rootfs/bb.org/release/2015-07-28/console/BBB-eMMC-flasher-debian-7.8-console-armhf-2015-07-28-2gb.img.xz

The v4.1.x random reboots where fixed in 4.1.4-ti-r9.

Just grab:

wget https://rcn-ee.com/rootfs/bb.org/testing/2015-09-13/console/bone-debian-8.2-console-armhf-2015-09-13-2gb.img.xz
md5sum: 4e14e22974c4d0560ce0c3f1f29d9fe1


sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install git-core

git clone https://github.com/beagleboard/bb.org-overlays
cd ./bb.org-overlays; ./dtc-overlay.sh ; ./install.sh

Then, enable the "flasher" in /boot/uEnv.txt and shutdown..


Thank you for the answer - good to know that the issue is fixed.

I will try the new image and verify it.