sys folder is empty (rootstock)

I installed ubuntu with rootstock and when i try to access /sys/class
there is nothing. There is only /sys folder exist. Probably when i
create a ubuntu with rootstock, i missed some thing to add. how can i
add these folders to my ubuntu?

Thank you.

sudo ./rootstock --fqdn beagle --login beagle --password 1 --imagesize
2G --seed linux-image-omap,gcc,g++,make,build-essential,openssh-
omap3,xfce4,lxde,network-manager --components "main universe
multiverse" --dist maverick --serial ttyS2

I installed ubuntu with rootstock and when i try to access /sys/class
there is nothing. There is only /sys folder exist. Probably when i
create a ubuntu with rootstock, i missed some thing to add. how can i
add these folders to my ubuntu?

Are the /sys subfolders missing when you boot your image with the kernel?

How did you copy the rootstock output to your sd card?