TIDL import utility not supported on BBAI?

Hi all,

I want to use the ML model import feature from the TI Processor SDK to be able to use TensorFlow network models with the TIDL API available on the BeagleBone AI, however, I can’t find the tool in the Debian distro provided by BB.

I see several TIDL model examples in /usr/share/ti/examples/tidl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models but I should be seeing the import tool in /usr/share/ti/tidl/tidl_utils/test/testvecs/config/import

Will this import utility be coming soon? Has anyone found a workaround?


Update, didn’t get to try it with the Debian image, but BBAI is now supported by TI’s Processor SDK (v6.2), so I will try it on that platform soon.

Hi all,

I want to use the ML model import feature from the TI Processor SDK to be able to use TensorFlow network models with the TIDL API available on the BeagleBone AI, however, I can't find the tool in the Debian distro provided by BB.

I see several TIDL model examples in /usr/share/ti/examples/tidl/test/testvecs/config/tidl_models but I should be seeing the import tool in /usr/share/ti/tidl/tidl_utils/test/testvecs/config/import

Will this import utility be coming soon? Has anyone found a workaround?

The tool should be at tidl/tidl-utils - TI Deep Learning Utilities.. We've
had a bit of confusion building it. I'll escalate to the TI Sitara
Analytics team. Here's where I got just now...

(git tag 99ff282fbc440a68170736e7b5de2ff5a2984386)

$ git clone tidl/tidl-utils - TI Deep Learning Utilities.
$ cd tidl-utils/src/importTool/modules/ti_dl/utils/caffeImport
$ sudo apt install -y protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev
$ export LINUXENV=oearm
$ export LINUX_BUILD_TOOLS=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
$ export PROTOBUF_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib
$ export PROTOBUF_INC_DIR=/usr/include
$ export FLATBUFFERS_INC_DIR=/usr/include
$ export TF_LITE_GENERATED_PATH=/usr/include
$ protoc --proto_path=. --cpp_out=. caffe.proto
$ cd ../tfImport
$ mkdir proto_cc
$ source genProtoC.sh
$ cd ../onnxImport
$ mkdir onnx_cc
$ source onnxGenProto.sh
$ cd ../tidlModelImport
$ make
compiling tidl_tfLiteImport.cpp
tidl_tfLiteImport.cpp:76:30: fatal error: schema_generated.h: No such
file or directory
#include "schema_generated.h"


I am dealing with the same error you showed in your post: “fatal error: schema_generated.h: No such file or directory”

Were you able to solve it?

I cannot find the .h file in the tidlModelImport folder.

Thanks in advance!