Trouble using config-pin to config P9.28 pin as spi or gpio

It is a BBGW. Sorry I forgot to mention that initially. So this is the answer, i.e. these pins are not available on the BBGW, I’m assuming there is no way to make the available either. Thanks Dan. I’ll go to mark your answer as correct.


Here is the output of the /sudo /opt/scripts/tools/

It is a BBGW. Sorry I forgot to mention that initially. So this is the answer, i.e. these pins are not available on the BBGW, I’m assuming there is no way to make the available either. Thanks Dan. I’ll go to mark your answer as correct.

Not if you want WIFI and/or bluetooth to work, no. This is the main reason I regard the BBBW as the worst of the Beagles and strongly recommend my customer/users to not get one. The BBBW put the wifi adapter on pins that were otherwise unused so all the pins that are pulled out to the header still “work”. The BBGW, on the other hand, uses a bunch of the pins for wifi and bluetooth. I’m not really sure why. There is likely some sort of history that I’m not aware of. Maybe a “wifi” cape (which would obviously need to use pins on the headers) that they then just moved the cape components right onto the beagle as-is.
