

I want to use /dev/ttyO2 as a standard serial, not as console.
I searched on the web and I found I need to remove the console=ttyO2… in the uEnv.txt (done) and avoid to execute the /etc/init/ttyO2.conf file at boot.

but I can’t find any /etc/init directory in my Angstrom rootfs. Neither under /etc/init.d/ there is a ttyO2.conf file.

Perhaps something changed recently.
What one should do at the moment to disable the serial console?

Best regards

remove the ttyO2 getty symlink from

Great! It works. Thanks Koen.

How one should know that without asking to the groups? Or, in which official document is it described?
I want to learn by myself without always ask to someone.

Best regards

Usually people do:
cd /etc
grep ttyO2 * -r
Also might help:
find | grep ttyO2

Thank you, I did find -name ttyO2 but it wasn’t enough.

Best regards,

In the last century people read manpages and bought and read books to accomplish such an target.



Well, I'm asking in several threads where I can find an updated documentation.
Some friends told me the available documents are often out-of-date or incomplete (see replies to my posts).

Please, tell me the name of a book which explain how to use beagleboard with Angstrom, where I can learn, for example, I must remove the symlink from in order to use ttyO2 and I'll order today at

I'm serious. I'm looking for such a guide. But I can't find any - updated and reliable.
I find a lot of blogs, forums, threads but an official and exhaustive documentation.

I'll thank you very much. I really want to learn, indeed.

There won't be a book for your specific problem. And in today times, a book would already be outdated when it would be finished. So you have to search and use the documentation which is available in electronic form.

For the problem above, the first step would have been to identify that Angstrom uses some of the newest stuff available on the market, which means here that the initialization of the system is done by systemd (which is many ways different than usual init-systems). The next step would be to find and read the available documentation for systemd, and, if nothing else helps, reading the source.



I appreciate a lot your answer, quite different than the previous :wink:
Last question is: you said I should read manpages, but I can't find the man command on Angstrom.
opkg list | grep man (or even help) didn't find anything useful.

In debian there is man-db, what's the equivalent package in Angstrom?

Usually the information contained in <command> -h are very limited. Man pages contain more detailed information.

Thanks again

Linux goes faster than any book writer can perform. Linux sources are
the best way to find knew things