Video streaming and Open CV

Hey guys,
I'm new to Beaglebone and am using the black board. I'm developing an application to stream video feed from my HP1300 webcam to a remote display. I need help in connecting the webcam and using the v4l2 libratl and installation of open CV. I've tried a lot on doffdiffe webpages buy, I get older posts and many of them seem to not work .
I've flahsed this particular image on my BB black

Please help. I need to for a university project.
Thank you
Shreyas Sanghvi

Are you streaming raw video, aka no "openCV" stuff..

aka if so, just use mpjeg-streamer, if it's a usb camera look at the
install script under /opt/scripts/

and update the udev rules so mpjg-stream autostarts with your camera.


The mjpeg streamer worked. I want to start building a open cv application now. can you help me find a materials that can help me install open cv on my BB?
Thank you