Weekly Progress Report Thread: Cape Compatibility


This is the Week 5 Progress Report of the Cape Compatibility project.


Resolutions to blockers:

On-going blockers*:*


Plans for this week:

The compatibility layer needs some updates to write overlay easily, I have started working on this and the initial work will be completed this week. The 4-20mA of comms cape is remained to be tested and the servo cape overlay requires some updated in the compatibility layer. I didn’t get much time to work on libgpiod, I will surely do some work this week.

  • Completing comms cape testing on BBBWL.

  • Making Servo Cape to work on BBAI and BBB using same DT overlay.

  • Testing libgpiod on BBAI and if everything works out in time, creating at least 5 examples.

  • Further working on code refactoring in beagle-tester repository.

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